musculoskeletalultrasound courses
Hands-on training for each participantTheoretical overview of current applications of MSUS
Medipoint started organising courses on musculoskeletal ultrasound in 1996. It now consists of 4 experienced musculoskeletal ultrasound radiologists (S. Marcelis, T. Jager, M. De Maeseneer and K. Vanderdood) and the organising committee supervised by Mrs. Françoise Herbeth.
The courses are designed to guarantee sufficient hands-on training for each participant and provide a theoretical overview of current applications of MSUS.
Courses have been organised in Belgium, U.K., Sweden, Denmark and South-Africa at an average range of 5 times a year. Besides these courses Medipoint aimes to promote the knowledge and application of MSUS by producing teaching materials as CD & DVD.